
Details for Garage Ball Organizer Plans


Garage Ball Organizer Plans

Category:Storage Solutions for your Garage
Date added:2011-09-08
Rating:not rated yet.
Garage Ball Organizer plansFree Garage Ball Organizer plans - The garage ball organizer project is a perfect starter project for anyone. It\'s simple and requires only basic hand tools. For the more advanced woodworker, it\'s a great project to get rid of those scrap pieces of wood that you have laying around the shop. It can be made from any type of wood: hard, soft, plywood, MDF, etc.. For my project, I used some of the scrap plywood I had laying around that I never know what to do with. Of course, I\'m a huge pack rat, so I can\'t throw anything away. The only items that I needed to purchase were the two bungie cords that hold all of the balls in place. I\'m sure that you could get a better deal at Harbor Frieght or similiar stores.

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